Hello Lord. I love you.
I love you back my child.
Lord, were you the one who made it all so difficult and painful? Did you arrange my life so there would be so much suffering?
No my child. I did not make the suffering. However, I did not push over the walls or remove the barriers. I did not remove the obstacles.
Why? Why didn't you push over the walls, and remove the barriers and obstacles? The barriers and walls have made everything that much worse.
My child, you must look at your life from far away. I left the walls and barriers where they were so you could choose to reach my destiny for you. If I had made everything free and easy, what would have become of you? Where would you have gone? Would you have been mine?
Oh. Uh…well, I know. In my heart, if you had pushed over the walls and removed the barriers I would have run off in my own direction. I would have been who I always wanted to be. I would have done what I always wanted to do. I would not have been yours. I am ashamed to say this. I am ashamed to admit this.
Do you understand now?
Yes, but I don't like it. My life has been and is more than I think I can bear.
I know my child. You life is and has been difficult but your life is the life I have always wanted from you. Your life has been more valuable to me than you could ever imagine. Although you might think your life is not so important to me, you are wrong in thinking such things.
Lord, there is so much difficulty, pain, and suffering, everything in my life is blurred. I cannot see clearly how things are lining up like you would like them to line up.
My child, all things are working out for my glory. Even in your hardship, you are keeping your heart open to me and to my voice. The fact we can talk like this means you are still mine and I am still yours.
Will it get easier?
No my child. It will not get easier until you see me.
I am crushed.
I know. I am living within you, so I know. Where is your heart?
I don't know. I am so beaten down I don't know where my heart is. Well, yes. I know. My heart is in you and with you. You are my hope. You are my future. I think a lot about my future. I think a lot about being with you in heaven.
Are you afraid of seeing me?
No. I look forward to it.
My child, you will reach your destiny. You are on the path of your destiny. Before you were born you knew your destiny. Look deep in your heart and you will see how you are on the path and how you are getting closer to reaching your destiny. You are blessed in this way. Many people never get close to even walking toward their destiny. The walls and barriers of your life were left in place so you would not stray too far away from my path for you. I know you don't like it, but I want you to do it. I know you don't like your path and destiny, but I want you to walk my path and reach your destiny. As long as you are willing to walk my path, you will bless me and in time I will bless you and all those you pray for each day. Remember, your willingness to walk my path ripples out all over the world. Your life is touching thousands upon thousands of persons you will never know until you see me face to face. Do you believe me?
Sort of. It is a little hard to believe you made things more difficult so I would walk your path.
My child, I did not make the pain and suffering. I left walls and barriers in place to keep you in my will. The walls and barriers have made things more difficult but the pain, suffering, walls, and barriers were not of my making. I did not make any of them but I did not remove them either. Let's be clear about this. I used all of them so you would glorify me in the world. The greatest work of your life or any person's life is to glorify me in spite of the darkness in your life. Think of the walls and barriers as if they are a maze. Your destiny is getting to the end of the maze by walking a certain path. You have made wrong turns. You have hurt and suffered. You have gotten off my path at times. However, most of the time, you were on the right path. Remain in me and you will reach your destiny or destination in my will and love.
OK, Lord. As you will it. Thank you Lord. I love you.
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