Thursday, October 20, 2011

Firman itu Tidak Efektif

Bacaan : Markus 4:1-20.

Maaf kalau agak konfrontatif judulnya. Tapi ini yang terlintas di pikiran saya, saat saya merenungkan satu perikop dari Markus ini. Perumpamaan yang sangat terkenal pastinya, anak sekolah minggu juga pasti tau (saya ga pernah ikut sekolah minggu lho ..).
Perumpamaan tentang seorang penabur judul perikop ini. Mengenai seseorang yang menaburkan benih dan jatuh di 4 jenis tempat. Pinggir jalan, tanah yg berbatu, diantara semak duri dan tanah yang subur. Artinya juga sudah sangat kita kenal bersama. Benih itu adalah Firman dan untuk lebih OKnya, mari kita gunakan penjelasan asli dari Tuhan Yesus :

Orang-orang yang di pinggir jalan, tempat firman itu ditaburkan, ialah mereka yang mendengar firman, lalu datanglah Iblis dan mengambil firman yang baru ditaburkan di dalam mereka.
Demikian juga yang ditaburkan di tanah yang berbatu-batu, ialah orang-orang yang mendengar firman itu dan segera menerimanya dengan gembira,tetapi mereka tidak berakar dan tahan sebentar saja. Apabila kemudian datang penindasan atau penganiayaan karena firman itu, mereka segera murtad.
Dan yang lain ialah yang ditaburkan di tengah semak duri, itulah yang mendengar firman itu,lalu kekuatiran dunia ini dan tipu daya kekayaan dan keinginan-keinginan akan hal yang lain masuklah menghimpit firman itu sehingga tidak berbuah
Dan akhirnya yang ditaburkan di tanah yang baik, ialah orang yang mendengar dan menyambut firman itu lalu berbuah, ada yang tiga puluh kali lipat, ada yang enam puluh kali lipat, dan ada yang seratus kali lipat."

Disinilah saya berpikir bahwa Firman itu tidak efektif. Untuk apa benih itu ditaburkan di lahan yang dilihat sekilas saja sudah pasti kecil kemungkinan tumbuhnya? (saya memakai sudut pandang perbandingan langsung dan menyeluruh). Si Penabur itu jelas-jelas menyia-nyiakan benihnya dengan menabur "sembarangan", disebar saja tanpa melihat "tujuan"-nya. Kalau dilihat dari sisi efektifitas dan efisiensi tentu laporannya akan gagal total, bahkan di tanah yang subur pun, benih itu tidak memiliki hasil/buah yang "seragam", hasilnya berbeda-beda, benih yang sama di tanah yang sama suburnya, tapi hasilnya berbeda. Coba dihitung rasio input outputnya, pasti parah, kalau sebarannya merata berarti "yield"-nya hanya 25% dari input, atau dengan kata lain 75% input terbuang sia-sia. 
Apakah anda mencapai kesimpulan yang sama dengan saya?
Mari kita uji lagi kebenaran dari kesimpulan saya itu. Kita lihat dari beberapa kata yang saya cetak tebal.
  1. Sembarangan : apakah benar penabur itu sembarangan menaburkan benih? Bila diartikan sebagai Firman Tuhan tentu saja jawabannya tidak, Firman Tuhan tidak pernah sembarangan, sia-sia, apalagi gagal. Lihat Yesaya 55:10-11.
  2. Tujuan : agak dekat dengan sembarangan dan sebagian tentunya sudah terjawab di ayat Yesaya itu. Tujuan disini mungkin membuat kita berpikir, harusnya selektif, membedakan jenis benihnya kah, atau beda cara penanganannya kah atau bahkan memodifikasi benih itu, mungkin itu baik, tapi harus hati-hati, yang jelas cuma ada satu benih, satu jenis benih yang ditabur oleh si Penabur, dan kalau ada yang berbeda, apakah itu masih Firman Tuhan? lihat Matius 5:17-20.
  3. Seragam : apakah buah yang dihasilkan dari tiap Firman Tuhan selalu seragam? Kalau dilihat dari perumpamaan - perumpamaan lain tentu saja jawabannya tidak. Lihat Perumpamaan tentang Talenta Matius 25:14-30.
  4. Panen : juga tentang buah yang dihasilkan, apakah selalu berpatokan pada Yield, banyak tidaknya?Apakah tidak melihat kualitasnya? Dari beberapa Firman, tidak disebut kualitas riil, hanya disebut jenis panen, kalau buahnya sesuai, ya akan dipanen. Lihat perumpamaan Lalang diantara Gandum, Kebun Anggur.
Kesimpulan tadi rasanya jadi kacau dan rancu ya? Memang. Dan kalau sampai anda berpikir tentang keefektifan juga terlalu jauh dan menyalahkan si Penabur, bahkan menyalahkan perumpamaan ini, anda sudah melangkah terlalu jauh dari konteks. Ingat, perumpamaan selalu kontekstual, perumpamaan selalu memiliki batasan, dan itu jadi mempersempit area interpretasi yang sesuai dengan si Penyampai perumpamaan tersebut. Konteks disini jelas membandingkan perbedaan sikap hati tentang penerimaan Firman Tuhan, tidak ada presentase sebaran, jumlah yield, kesembronoan dalam penaburan, tidak, semua itu tidak ada.
Tuhan ingin bilang bahwa sekali lagi Ia tidak pernah memaksa, semua buah kita, tergantung dari respon hati kita terhadap Firman-Nya. Apakah kita mau menerimanya, merenungkan dan kemudian melakukannya sehingga akhirnya berbuah berkali-kali lipat seperti tanah yang subur? Atau pilihan yang lain yang membiarkan Iblis merebutnya, penindasan mengalahkannya atau kecemasan dan kekhawatiran dunia menutupinya?

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tidak Berjodoh dengan Jogja

Dua minggu yang lalu saya merencanakan untuk pulang ke Jogja, disebutnya tetep pulang ya padahal saya tidak ada rumah di Jogja, cuma numpang-numpang saja selama disana. Dan rencana ini juga merupakan bagian dari rencana istimewa untuk urutan touring ke berbagai kota lainnya. Jadi dalam rencana saya di minggu itu ke Jogja dan Solo, kemudian hari Jumat dan Sabtu minggu depannya saya pergi ke Bandung untuk gathering departemen, hari sabtu san minggunya kemudian saya akan pergi ke Purwokerto untuk menghadiri pernikahan teman SMA saya. Dan lanjut di minggu depannya saya rencanakan pergi ke Semarang untuk wisata kuliner dan akhirnya ditutup dengan pergi ke pulau Tidung bersama teman-teman Jakarta.
Seperti biasa memang rencana yang mantap, tapi seperti juga jalannya tidak semulus yang direncanakan, bahkan bisa dibilang sama sekali tidak mulus. Kita mulai dengan rencana ke Jogja ya.
Saya sudah merasa menyiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan baik, beli tiket, persiapan barang apa saja yang dibawa, pemilihan rute selama di Jogja dan Solo, sudah berkoordinasi dengan teman-teman di Jogja juga, dan saya tetap nyaman dan merasa santai sampai di hari jumat saya seharusnya berangkat. Di kantor sekitar jam 4 sore tiba-tiba saya gelisah, merasa ada yang aneh dan tidak beres, saya bingung, jangan-jangan karena pengaruh lagu-lagu #galau yang diputar di kantor (TGIF sore itu berjudul SorGa --> Sore Galau). Saya masih gelisah sampai akhirnya pulang dan dengan bangganya masih menolak ajakan teman kantor untuk main ke Festival Korea dengan alasan mau ke Jogja. Sampai di kost saya sudah siap-siap, beli minum untuk di perjalanan, snack juga, packing barang-barang di tas slempang saya, sms teman-teman di Jogja dan akhirnya saya tahu apa yang membuat saya gelisah dari jam 4 tadi. Saat saya memeriksa tiket saya sekitar jam setengah 7, saya langsung kaget begitu melihat tanggal tiketnya, ternyata tanggalnya untuk hari kamis kemarin, saya salah beli tiket, mungkin salah tulis tanggal atau ada kesalahan di pengetikan mbaknya di reservasi tiket. Langsung lemes juga, karena tahu hari jumat sampai Minggu pasti tiket ramai dan sudah habis. Saya segera berangkat ke stasiun, masih menyimpan harapan siapa tahu bisa dapat tiket. Sampai di stasiun langsung nyata kalau tiket hari itu sudah habis, saya pindah halauan ke Customer Service, berharap siapa tahu bisa dapat keringanan dan gagal juga dengan jawaban tidak memuaskan dari bapak CSnya. Akhirnya saya gagal ke jogja, pulang balik ke kost lagi dan sms ke teman-teman di Jogja, minta maaf karena gagal buat berangkat ke Jogja.
Minggu depannya saat gathering untungnya lancar, tapi karena kesulitan untuk mendapatkan transport untuk ke Purwokerto dan apalagi transport untuk kembalinya, saya urungkan niat untuk pergi ke Purwokerto dan memilih beristirahat di kost saja.
Minggu ini seharusnya saya juga pergi ke Semarang, tapi karena masih terbayang gagal ke Jogja dan memang sebenarnya lebih banyak tujuan saya ke Jogja, saya rencanakan untuk ke Jogja lagi, saya kembali kontak teman-teman di Jogja, menanyakan siapa yang kira-kira bisa diajak main, ternyata yang benar-benar available   cuma 1 orang dan yang lainnya kepentok beberapa acara. Akhirnya saya urungkan lagi niat ke Jogja.
Dan yang lucu, hari jumat kemarin sekitar jam 3 atau 4 sore,  Kakak saya sms mengabarkan kalau mau pergi ke Solo bersama Bapak Ibu, saya kaget, kok tidak memberitahu dari kemarin, kalau tahu kan saya pasti juga akan mencari tiket ke Jogja Solo. Dengan usaha tersisa sekitar jam 5 saya menelepon agen bus, dan dengan normal dijawab kalau tiket sudah habis. Gagal lagi, dan saat pulang kost saya kepikiran, jangan-jangan ada orang yang jual tiket ke Jogja ya di Kaskus?(Apa sih yang ga di jual di FJB kaskus?) Saya langsung search dan luar biasanya, Adaaaaaaa. Tapi tulisan di threadnya sudah di booked, dengan semangat saya tetap cba menelepon orangnya, tapi ternyata lagi-lagi saya harus menerima kegagalan, tiketnya benar-benar sudah di booked ternyata, dan tampaknya tidak akan batal.
Lagi-lagi saya gagal buat ke Jogja nampaknya memang sedang tidak berjodoh, tapi saya tidak akan menyerah kok, pasti saya akan coba lagi.

Dari rencana itu yang belum terlaksana adalah ke Tidung, dan FYI rencana ini juga susah luar biasa dalam persiapannya, dan semalem juga jadi statusnya menjadi terancam batal lagi. Padahal awalnya saya sangat PD untuk rencana ke Tidung ini, karena gampang relatif murah, paling tidak ada 5 orang yang bakal ikut serta. tapi ternyata di perjalanan akhirnya susah untuk terwujud, karena pindah-pindah jadwal, ada yang susah dapet cuti, ada yang uangnya lagi tipis, ada yang membatalkan, dan lain-lain. Akhirnya minggu kemarin dapat deal, bahkan sudah saya DP untuk ke Tidung 5 orang. Sudah merasa aman sentosa, eh besoknya dikabari salah seorang dari 5 orang itu ada yang masih les jumat malamnya sampai jam 8.30 PM. Padahal rencana awal kita pulang kerja akan menginap di apartemen milik teman supaya mudah berangkat paginya, dan besoknya lagi tambah parah karena seorang teman megundurkan diri, dia fisiknya drop karena kecapekkan perjalanan juga. Saya sudah usaha cari orang pengganti, tapi belum dapat juga. Mari kita lihat akhir minggu ini, apakah akan berhasil ke Tidung atau tidak.

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

Kaget waktu pagi ini membuka page, salah satu HotThreadnya adalah kabar mengenai meninggalnya mantan CEO Apple Steve Jobs. Baru kemarin-kemarin ngobrolin tentang beliau bersama beberapa teman, dan berusaha mengimajinasikan bagaimana Apple tanpa Steve Jobs, nampaknya sesaat lagi bakal melihat bagaimana-bagaimananya.
Menurut saya beliau adalah salah satu orang jenius di dunia modern ini. Begitu banyak perubahan yang beliau lakukan dan inspirasikan, lihat saja jajaran produk Apple yang begitu inspiratif, benar-benar make technology work.
Rest In Peace bung Steve Jobs, terimakasih untuk segala yang sudah anda berikan untuk dunia ini. Tuhan memberkati.

link :

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Android Programming - Luas Bangun

I created (actually it based on someone tutorial and I modified it in some place, I can find the original link..) this very simple program to learn more about User Interface. How to layout, using Button, TextView and Edit Text. It is so simple, the function is to calculate the area of square, traingle and circle. User input the width, height or radius, and then the app calculate the area and show the result in a TextView.
Check out the source code in my GitHub. Here is the link.
1. As ussual create new project, I named it Luas Bangun, with LuasBangunActivity as a main activity.
2. Prepare AndroidManifest, create 3 new Activity from there, named it HitungLingkaran (for circle), HitungSegitiga (for triangle) and HitungPersegiPanjang (for square).
3. Let's begin templating. First create layout for LuasBangunActivity. It is in the main.xml file. You need to create three other XML file, one for each, lingkaran.xml (circle area), persegipanjang.xml (square area) and segitiga.xml (triangle area).
4. And then code the MainActivity. It is used for main screen, giving a link to another activity and exiting from application.
5. The lingkaran, persegipanjang and segitiga do not have any difference in programming structure, it is same, the difference is just the algorithm to calculate the area, and I think it will be easy, you know it from since elementary school.
6. Run your application, hope you found no error and I hope this example will help you a little to understand basic of User Interface in Android.

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Android Programming - Free Ebook (2)

1. Apress Android Essential - Chris Haseman

Android is Google’s answer to the iPhone and at the very least, has advantages in terms of multitasking, running apps in the background and others. Google’s CEO is getting front page coverage commenting on the coming Google/iPhone war.
This is a no frills, no nonsense, code centric run through the guts of application development on Google’s Mobile OS. It focuses on giving developers the essential tools and examples required to make viable commercial applications work.

Download | here |.

2. Apress Beginning Android - Mark L Murphy

Beginning Android, one of the first beginning books on Android, covers what the reader needs and wants to know to get started on programming Android applications — everything from crafting GUIs to using GPS and accessing Web services, and more.
Written by Android columnist, writer, developer and community advocate, Mark L Murphy, the easy-to-read style of Beginning Android makes entry-level Android development even more accessible.
Google’s open source Java-based Android mobile (and possibly Netbook applications) operating and development platform is growing with the availability of more and more Smart Phone devices that can utilize it. Beyond HTC G1 and G2 Google Phones, Android continues to grow and be in use as well as adopted by other hardware vendors and their developers in the Open Handset Alliance.
On Google’s Android source code download site alone, there are nearly 1.5 million downloads of Android. Also, Android’s mobile phone market share is growing from 4% in 4Q2008 to as much as 6-8% by mid 2009. Moreover, its ease of use and much lower barrier of entry due to Open Source makes Android accessible to more developers and users. Lastly, Android supports Adobe Flash+AIR platform while Apple’s iPhone still does not.

Download | here |.
And here is another for Beginning Android 2 | download link |.

3. The Android Developer's Cookbook - James Steele & Nelson To

Want to get started building applications for Android, the world’s hottest, fast-growing mobile platform? Already building Android applications and want to get better at it? This book brings together all the expert guidance–and code–you’ll need!

Completely up-to-date to reflect the newest and most widely used Android SDKs, The Android Developer’s Cookbook is the essential resource for developers building apps for any Android device, from phones to tablets.

Proven, modular recipes take you from the absolute basics to advanced location-based services, security techniques, and performance optimization. You’ll learn how to write apps from scratch, ensure interoperability, choose the best solutions for common problems, and avoid development pitfalls. Coverage includes:
  • Implementing threads, services, receivers, and other background tasks
  • Providing user alerts
  • Organizing user interface layouts and views
  • Managing user-initiated events such as touches and gestures
  • Recording and playing audio and video
  • Using hardware APIs available on Android devices
  • Interacting with other devices via SMS, web browsing, and social networking
  • Storing data efficiently with SQLite and its alternatives
  • Accessing location data via GPS
  • Using location-related services such as the Google Maps API
  • Building faster applications with native code
  • Providing backup and restore with the Android Backup Manager
  • Testing and debugging apps throughout the development cycle

Turn to The Android Developer’s Cookbook for proven, expert answers–and the code you need to implement them. It’s all you need to jumpstart any Android project, and create high-value, feature-rich apps that sell!

Download | here |.

4. Pragmatic Hello, Android - Ed Brunette
Android is a software toolkit for mobile phones, created by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. It's inside millions of cell phones and other mobile devices, making Android a major platform for application developers. That could be your own program running on all those devices.

Within minutes, Hello, Android will get you started creating your first working application: Android's version of "Hello, World." From there, you'll build up a more substantial example: an Android Sudoku game. By gradually adding features to the game, you'll learn the basics of Android programming. You'll also see how to build in audio and video support, add graphics using 2D and 3D OpenGL, network with web pages and web services, and store data with SQLite. You'll also learn how to publish your applications to the Android Market.

The #1 book for learning Android is now in its third edition. Every page and example was reviewed and updated for compatibility with the latest versions. Freshly added material covers installing applications to the SD card, supporting multi-touch, and creating live wallpaper. You'll also find plenty of real-world advice on how to support all the Android versions in use today-everything from Cupcake (Android 1.5) to FroYo (Android 2.2) and beyond.

If you'd rather be coding than reading about coding, this book is for you.

Download | here |.

5. Android Application Development

This practical book provides the concepts and code you need to develop software with Android, the open-source platform for cell phones and mobile devices that's generating enthusiasm across the industry. Based on the Linux operating system and developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance, Android has the potential to unite a fragmented mobile market. Android Application Development introduces this programming environment, and offers you a complete working example that demonstrates Android architectural features and APIs. With this book, you will:

  • Get a complete introduction to the Android programming environment, architecture, and tools
  • Build a modular application, beginning with a core module that serves to launch modules added in subsequent chapters
  • Learn the concepts and architecture of a specific feature set, including views, maps, location-based services, persistent data storage, 2D and 3D graphics, media services, telephony services, and messaging
  • Use ready-to-run example code that implements each feature
  • Delve into advanced topics, such as security, custom views, performance analysis, and internationalization
The book is a natural complement to the existing Android documentation provided by Google. Whether you want to develop a commercial application for mobile devices, or just want to create a mobile mashup for personal use, Android Application Development demonstrates how you can design, build, and test applications for the new mobile market.

Download | here |.

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Android Programming - Free Ebook (3)

1. Wrox - Android Application Development - Reto Meier
A hands-on guide to building mobile applications, Professional Android Application Development features concise and compelling examples that show you how to quickly construct real-world mobile applications for Android phones. Fully up-to-date for version 1.0 of the Android software development kit, it covers all the essential features, and explores the advanced capabilities of Android (including GPS, accelerometers, and background Services) to help you construct increasingly complex, useful, and innovative mobile applications for Android phones.
What this book includes
  • An introduction to mobile development, Android, and how to get started.
  • An in-depth look at Android applications and their life cycle, the application manifest, Intents, and using external resources.
  • Details for creating complex and compelling user interfaces by using, extending, and creating your own layouts and Views and using Menus.
  • A detailed look at data storage, retrieval, and sharing using preferences, files, databases, and Content Providers.
  • Instructions for making the most of mobile portability by creating rich map-based applications as well as using location-based services and the geocoder.
  • A look at the power of background Services, using threads, and a detailed look at Notifications.
  • Coverage of Android's communication abilities including SMS, the telephony APIs, network management, and a guide to using Internet resources
  • Details for using Android hardware, including media recording and playback, using the camera, accelerometers, and compass sensors.
  • Advanced development topics including security, IPC, advanced 2D / 3D graphics techniques, and user–hardware interaction.
Who this book is forThis book is for anyone interested in creating applications for the Android mobile phone platform. It includes information that will be valuable whether you're an experienced mobile developer or making your first foray, via Android, into writing mobile applications. It will give the grounding and knowledge you need to write applications using the current SDK, along with the flexibility to quickly adapt to future enhancements.

Download | here |.

2. Pro Android Games - Apress - Vladimir Silva

Android is Google’s software platform answer to the iPhone and BlackBerry, and at the very least, has advantages in terms of multitasking, running apps in the background and others.
Google’s partners in the Open Handset Alliance – supporting Android -- provide the devices, with HTC G1 and G2 already available now and 18 more Google Phones set to debut later this year according to Google I/O Conference news.
Pro Android 2 Games is the first book on Android Games development, and one of the first on Android 2.0. This book is a detailed look at building classic and fun games from scratch or porting classic games from other platforms to Android.

Download | here |.

3. Pro Android Media - Apress - Shawn van Every

Mobile devices have evolved to focus on rich media production and consumption. Developers of mobile applications are able to create applications that allow people to play, capture, and share media in a variety of new ways on mobile devices. The popularity of Android has soared in part because the platform offers developers a rich set of capabilities including access to media capturing and playback functions. 

Pro Android Media provides concise and clear instruction on how to utilize the media APIs made available through Android to create dynamic apps. It takes you from a simple means to gain access to the camera to complex video capture and sharing examples. It also covers sound, graphics, painting, and more—everything you need to make your app come "alive."

After reading this book, the app you create will showcase the best of multimedia that Android has to offer.

What you’ll learn

  • Develop graphics, music, video and rich media apps for Android smartphones and tablets 
  • Build touchscreen input features into Android apps that allow users to draw, paint, and do other creative forms of input
  • Turn the Android smartphone into a full fledged media player
  • Integrate and use location-based services and media-related web service APIs

Who this book is for

This book is aimed primarily at the growing market of Android developers. It is written in such a way that it may be used by those who are familiar with Android, but have no experience developing applications that deal with images, audio, or video.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Android Imaging
  2. Building Custom Camera Applications
  3. Image Editing and Processing
  4. Graphics and Touch Events
  5. Introduction to Audio on Android
  6. Background and Networked Audio
  7. Audio Capture
  8. Audio Synthesis and Analysis
  9. Introduction to Video
  10. Advanced Video
  11. Video Capture
  12. Media Consumption and Publishing Using Web Services

Download | here |.

4. Pro Android Web Apps - Jonathan Stark & Reto Meier

Developing applications for Android and other mobile devices using web technologies is now well within reach. When the capabilities of HTML5 are combined with CSS3 and JavaScript, web application developers have an opportunity to develop compelling mobile applications using familiar tools. Not only is it possible to build mobile web apps that feel as good as native apps, but to also write an application once and have it run a variety of different devices.

While the HTML5 specification is still evolving, there is a lot that can be used right now to build mobile web apps. Mobile web apps are now starting to provide many of the features that were once only available to native-language-based apps in Java, Objective-C, etc. Pro Android Web Apps teaches developers already familiar with web application development, how to code and structure a web app for use on the Android mobile platform.
  • Understand both the why and how of mobile web app development, focusing on the Android platform.
  • Learn how to structure mobile web apps through a number of practical, real-world application examples.
  • Discover what cloud platforms such as Google AppEngine have to offer Android web apps, for both hosting web apps and providing device to cloud data synchronization solutions.
  • Get a real picture of the status of HTML5 on Android and other mobile devices, including some things to watch out for when building your own applications.
  • Understand the capabilities of the web application stack, and how to complement those with native bridging frameworks such as PhoneGap to access native features of the device.
  • Gain an understanding of the different UI frameworks that are available for building mobile web apps.
  • Learn how to include mapping and leverage location-based services in mobile web apps to create engaging mobile experiences.
  • Enable social integration with your Android web app and gain access to millions of potential users. 
After reading this book, you will not only have a greater understanding of the world of web apps on Android, but also how to leverage additional tools and frameworks to increase the reach of your mobile web apps. Additionally, through the practical samples in the book you will have been given solid exposure of where both the opportunities and challenges lie when building mobile apps the web way.

What you’ll learn

  • What Android web apps can do, and when to use web development rather than native development to create an application.
  • How to use existing JavaScript and CSS frameworks to create rich mobile user interfaces.
  • When to use HTML5 and when to use a native bridging framework to access native Android functionality.
  • Connext with cloud services and APIs to build engaging location based services and games.
  • Enable social integration with your Android web app and gain access to millions of potential users.

Who this book is for

This book is targeted at web developers looking to transfer their skills over to mobile application development. Readers will understand that Android is continuing to gain momentum in the marketplace and will want to build an application specifically for that platform. They will have a strong desire to use web technologies rather than the native tools to build applications, either due to personal taste or to gain cross-platform mobile portability for the majority of their application code.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started 
  2. Building a Mobile HTML Entry Form 
  3. HTML5 Storage APIs 
  4. Constructing a Multipage App
  5. Synchronizing with the Cloud
  6. Competing with Native Apps 
  7. Exploring Interactivity
  8. Location Based Services and Mobile Mapping 
  9. Native Bridging with PhoneGap
  10. Integrating with Social APIs 
  11. Mobile UI Frameworks Compared 
  12. Polishing and Packaging an App for Release
  13. The Future of Mobile Computing
  14. Appendix: Debugging Android Web Apps

Download | here |.

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Android Programming - Free Ebook

I'll upload some of my ebook collection to 4shared so you can download it.
1. I advice you to have a look at this Google IO 2010 presentation. It is simple but very good as a fundamental for beginning Android Application Development.

Download | here |.
2. Then for another simple yet powerfull ebook, I recommend Andbook from AndDev. You can download directly from it site. Here is the | link |.

3. Android A Programmer's Guide - J.F DiMa
(copy paste from amazon ^-^ )

Build compelling Java-based mobile applications using the Android SDK and the Eclipse open-source software development platform. Android: A Programmer's Guide shows you, step-by-step, how to download and set up all of the necessary tools, build and tune dynamic Android programs, and debug your results. Discover how to provide web and chat functions, interact with the phone dialer and GPS devices, and access the latest Google services. You'll also learn how to create custom Content Providers and database-enable your applications using SQLite.
  • Install and configure Java, Eclipse, and Android plugin
  • Create Android projects from the Eclipse UI or command line
  • Integrate web content, images, galleries, and sounds
  • Deploy menus, progress bars, and auto-complete functions
  • Trigger actions using Android Intents, Filters, and Receivers
  • Implement GPS, Google Maps, Google Earth, and GTalk
  • Build interactive SQLite databases, calendars, and notepads
  • Test applications using the Android Emulator and Debug Bridge

Download | here |.
4. Android Documentation - Compiled by Fastop
Another good point to start.

Download | here |.

5. Sam's Teach Yourself Android Application Development 24 Hours - Lauren Darcy & Shane Conder

In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, learn how to build powerful applications for the world’s first complete, open, and free mobile platform: Android. Using this book’s straightforward, step-by-step approach, you’ll build a fully-featured Android application from the ground up and master the skills you need to design, develop, test, and publish powerful applications. Each lesson builds on what you’ve already learned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success!

Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common Android development tasks.
Quizzes and Exercises at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge.
By the Way notes present interesting information related to the discussion.
Did You Know? tips offer advice or show you easier ways to perform tasks.
Watch Out! cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.

Learn how to…
  • Develop Android applications quickly and successfully with Java
  • Master Google’s Android SDK and development tools
  • Leverage the Eclipse programming environment to develop Android projects
  • Understand the Android application lifecycle
  • Build effective, user-friendly user interfaces
  • Retrieve, store, and work with application data
  • Develop powerful network applications
  • Add popular social features and location-based services to your applications
  • Take advantage of Android device hardware like the camera
  • Internationalize, test, and publish your Android applications

Download | here |.

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